Posts Tagged ‘follow’

I hate Dina!!!!!!!!!!

Dream a world without DinaI suppose I hate her more than I hate rats. or snakes. Or cockroaches. But not, God forbid, a flying cockroach.

She follows me every year, to my class. We’ve been together three years. She’s a leech who hates me. Believe me, the feeling is mutual.

Why does she want to wreck my life? I hate her. Sulk.

You see, who ever I take for my favorite friend in that particular class, Dina makes it a point to steal her away from me. That’s not it. Not just friends. It everything. She wants to steal my good mood, praise, position, seat, lunch……

For example, take Annie. The moment Dina figured that I liked her, she started sucking upĀ  to her like a leech. I’m serious. Utterly serious.

Next was Mel. So. When Dina found out that Mel and I were old friends, I suffered big time.

Next, it was the other Tiara in my class. Everybody calls her Tee, so that people don’t get mixed up.

Dina purposely made friends with her, because I was her partner, and then she kept calling, Tiara Crew,. Tiara Crew, just to apologise to me and say that she meant Tee.

And whenever I returned from P.E or whatever, she was sitting on my seat, refusing to budge, declaring that it was her seat now.

Oh. She lost my position as whiteboard leader. And I love drawing pics on the board.

Yeah. She nicks my lunch on daily bases.

If someone compliments my story, Dina declares me as a show off.

see? What should I do about Dina Bloodsucking Leech?